Arcángel Gabriel via Shelley Young Equilibrando aspectos del poder



Se está llevando a cabo un gran equilibrio en las expresiones del poder tanto masculinas como femeninas. Si ustedes han sido oprimidos en un aspecto del poder, ya sea en esta expresión de vida o en expresiones en vidas pasadas, van a estar liberando esas heridas y luego integrarán lo que necesitan para cambiar y personificar esa expresión masculina o femenina del auténtico poder..

Si han mal usado el poder ustedes mismos en esta expresión de vida o en expresiones en vidas pasadas, van a estar liberando el remordimiento, la vergüenza, y arrepentimiento asociados con ese tiempo, perdonándose a sí mismos y adquiriendo claridad acerca del uso consciente del poder a fin de avanzar adelante y usarlo hermosa y apropiadamente. 

Así que, en el caso de muchos de ustedes, van a estar liberando el masculino e integrando el femenino. Otros estarán liberando el femenino e integrando el masculino. Todo esto es parte del avanzar adelante como seres humanos empoderados personificando hermosamente los atributos divinos. Arcángel Gabriel via Shelley Young

All Content © 2017 – Trinity Esoterics

Trinity Esoterics
Sudbury | Ontario

Shelley’s note: Due to the positive feedback I’ve received, I will be holding another draw for the month of June! In fact, there will be TWO draws! If you make a donation of any amount you will be entered in both draws. The first prize is winner’s choice – you can choose whether you would like to receive a private channeled session (a $140 value) or the course of your choice (a $149 value). Second prize wins whatever the first prize winner didn’t choose. 🙂 The draw will be held on July 1. *no purchase necessary* Your donations help me to continue to offer free channeled content on a daily basis. If you feel guided to donate, you can do so at by clicking on the donate button at the top right of the page or you can donate directly to via PayPal. If you are in Canada, you can donate by e-transfer to the same email above and make the answer to the question gabriel. Of course, there is never any obligation, this is simply something you can choose to participate in if it feels right to you. I also wanted to thank all of you for your wonderful well wishes on my recent marriage. Your beautiful messages of congratulations moved me more than you could possibly know! I’m so grateful to be part of such a wonderful community.

SALE! For the first time ever, I am holding a sale on readings. Buy two, get one free! This will only be on for a limited time, so don’t miss out. I look forward to connecting with you!


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